Here at Regal Living we have the product that will save you from this problem which, albeit not the end of the world, is a major inconvenience to thousands of people. However, this product does not work on its own. It requires full obedience in sticking to the one golden rule, which is where you put your keys.


We have all seen variations of different types of systems to identify the location of your keys. There are apps which try to find them using tracking set-up to a key ring, others which use audio locators that you activate when whistling (although the high pitched sound and frequency that the locator is set off is often unbearable). However, nothing is more concrete in keeping your keys safe in your home than a good old-fashioned key rack. The principle behind this product, as you well know, is simple. Place keys on the key rack every time you enter your house! Therefore, barring an act of God, your keys will be in the same location when you need to find them upon leaving the house! Trust us, it really does work. Take a look at the variations of the key rack that we have for sale at the moment, for example this ‘His Key Rack’ here: